Poster, 7th Annual Meeting: the GDR MecaQ Optomechanics
7th Annual meeting GDR MecaQ gathers the French community of scientists sharing an interest for quantum optomechanics, nanomechanics and associated phenomena and applications.
Tutorial talks
1 h invited tutorials will be given by internationally renowned speakers who will introduce their research topic and present their latest advances. See agenda
- Dr. Ludovic Bellon, ENS de Lyon
- Dr. Jean-Charles Beugnot, FEMTO-ST Institute
- Pr. Johannes Fink, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
- Pr. Christophe Galland, EPFL
- Pr. Anja Metelmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
MecaQ webinar series
The MecaQ webinar series is a collection of monthly webinars delivered by high-profile international scientists in the fields of optomechanics and nanomechanics.
- Title: Measuring the higher-order phonon statistics in a nanogram volume of superfluid helium
- Speaker: Jack Harris, Yale University & Yale Quantum Institute
- Abstract: We detect the individual sideband photons produced by an optomechanical device consisting of a nanogram of superfluid helium confined in a cavity. We use the photon-counting data to probe the phonon-phonon correlations (up to fourth order, and for both normal-ordering and anti-normal-ordering) in a single acoustic mode of the superfluid. The data is consistent the assumption that the acoustic mode is in a thermal state with mean phonon number ~ 1. We also use sideband-photon counting to show that the acoustic mode can be driven to a coherent amplitude corresponding to several thousand phonons with no decrease in the purity of the acoustic state. We will discuss a number of applications of these results, including to the distribution of entanglement over kilometer-scale optical fiber networks.
- Video here.